watashi wa ※yuki※


i'm back~

do you alll miss my post?

haha!i'm sure you all miss my post de~ =P

actually now i'm busy doing homework la~

but hor....the lalat say me long time din't update the post d...

so...now i'm ready to update my post~ xD



i want to tell you all that my nickname change d o~~~

now my nickname is yuki~

doesn't it nice?

y i suddenly change my nickname?


i just seen the japanese movie------one litre of tears....

after watching this movie...

i really cry until one litre of tears d....

this movie quiet sad!

and so touching....

but...after watching this movie..

it makes me upset and felt very down in the whole day!

wait!come back to the question....

why i suddenly change?haha!

because yuki is the meaning 'snow' in japanese...

and my name also got snow...

so i prefer to change this nickname lo~



i like this nickname very very much~~~

i want to ask again~~~ >o<

doesn't it nice?


watashi wa